Abu Dhabi Freezone

Freezone business setup
in Abu Dhabi

Being the federal capital and the largest of the 7 emirates of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi occupies more than 80% of the country’s total land. With multiple free zones, Abu Dhabi provides the gateway for foreign investment in the country and to tap its full potential. Not just that, offering a favorable business environment for Freezone business setup in Abu Dhabi, this zone is one of the leading ones that play a critical role in boosting the local economy and promoting investment whilst economic diversification.


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business setup export

Advantages of choosing Abu Dhabi Free Zone

  • 100% foreign ownership.
  • Complete repatriation of capital and profits.
  • Tax exemption on personal and corporate income.
  • Exemption from customs duties for goods and services from imports and exports.
  • Availability of the pre-build advanced infrastructure.
  • A cluster environment for businesses wherein similar industries work together under the same umbrella in the work campus.
  • A high rate of effective collaboration and friendly interaction.
  • Abu Dhabi freezone company setup processes are simplified and offer a high rate of a business-friendly environment.
  • Legal framework and company laws suited for businesses.
  • Access to skilled professionals in a jiffy.
  • The immigration process is smooth and fast.
  • Single-window operation for a wide range of government services, i.e., traffic, residential permits, visa formalities and postal services.

Types of licenses in the
Abu Dhabi Free Zone


Commercial license

Concerned with all the types of trading activities.


Industrial license

Concerned with establishing industries and manufacturing activities.


Professional license

Covering all types of professionals, services, craftsmen and artisans.


Professional license

Firms such as carpentry, smithery, steelwork and others that are craft-related are expected to get this license. Firms that are based on craftsmanship where a single individual or five people can work require a professional license.

Types of business entities Allowed
Abu Dhabi Free Zone

Free Zone Limited Liability Company

This is a legal entity with individual or corporate shareholders or a combination of both.

Branch of a foreign company

After getting the issuance license from the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, a foreign company can carry out their activity related to business or even establish an office or branch of the same in the said area.

Branch of UAE company

A UAE based company can open its branch office in free zones, i.e., mainland or offshore.

Freelance license

An individual can conduct business as a sole practitioner after getting the permit, enabling them to do business in their name and not the brand.

Process To Start A
Business On the Freezone

Process To Start a Business

Process To Start a Business  


Why choose Global Biz Setup?

Why choose
Global Biz Setup?

With the use of extensive knowledge and by the use of a specialized team of professionals Global Biz Setup will help the business owners or freelancers for the Abu Dhabi Freezone company setup. We, at Global Biz, will help in the setup process in the zone and ensure to help you save huge taxes. Understand the essence of the right zone selection for your type of business and maximize the full potential of the respective zones. We at Global Biz Setup, understand your aspirations and dreams for the formation of a company in the Emirates and work meticulously to help you achieve it in a jiffy. Reach out to us for any assistance that you may need for Freezone business setup in Abu Dhabi.