Sharjah Research, Technology, and Innovation Park

Sharjah Research, Technology, and Innovation Park

The Sharjah Research, Technology, and Innovation Park (SRTI Park), established by the Sharjah government, develops and operates an innovation ecosystem that promotes research and development (R&D) and supports entrepreneurship activities through industry, government, and academic partnership. Water technology, transportation , renewable energy technology, digitization, renewable sources, production, and designing & architecture are among the Park's study topics.

Sharjah Research, Technology, <span class='s-yellowtitle'>and Innovation Park</span>

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Benefits of Setting up a Business in <span class='s-yellowtitle'>SRTI Park Free Zone</span>

Benefits of Setting up a Business in SRTI Park Free Zone


  • Foreign ownership is 100 percent.
  • Space licencing and leasing at a low cost
  • Investment and profit repatriation freedom
  • Accelerate business formation with a critical mass of recognized and talent
  • Promoting academic-industry collaboration
  • Corporate and personal income taxes are completely excluded.
  • University City provides access to a talented group of professionals and students.
  • 0% taxes on imports and exports
  • Trade agreements on a local, regional, and worldwide level

Why choose
Global Biz Setup?

Over time, Sharjah has grown into a significant industrial, commercial, and educational center. This combination of assets is perfect for fostering collaboration between academics, business, and government to boost knowledge-intensive businesses and generate long-term revenue for the Emirate. Global Biz Setup experts are pleased to help you start a business in the Sharjah Research, Technology, and Innovation Park Free Zone. We welcome your questions, comments, and suggestions that may improve our ability to serve you.