Fujairah Creative City

Setup your business at the Fujairah Creative City

In addition to the existing media hubs, Fujairah Creative City is a new cluster of innovation in the media industry. This free zone provides visa processing and a remote business setting. It is aimed at smaller players that are looking to start a new company or relocate their operations to a new site in Fujairah. Government forms, work permits, and visas are all handled by this system. It also makes starting a company much easier. As a one-stop-shop for all things related to company formation, Creative City provides a wide range of services and packages that may be tailored to meet the specific needs of each customer.

Setup your business at the Fujairah Creative City

Talk to our
business setup export

The benefits of setting up a company in Fujairah Creative City

The benefits of setting up a company in Fujairah Creative City


  • Absolute ownership
  • There isn't any demand for upfront money.
  • Tax-free with complete support services.
  • Business solutions may be tailored to meet specific needs.
  • Leases aren't required for any office space.
  • There is no need for auditing in a successful, professional corporate setting.
  • A global reach.

Types of Business Entities Allowed
in Fujairah Creative City

Free zone limited liability companies

This is best suited for foreign investors. A minimum of two shareholders is required for a limited liability company operating in a free trade zone.

<span class='s-yellowtitle'>Free zone limited liability </span>companies
<span class='s-yellowtitle'>Free zone </span>establishments

Free zone establishments

A single stakeholder is the bare minimum for a free zone business. It is not necessary to have a certain amount of money to operate in Dubai.

Why choose
Global Biz Setup?

Global Biz Setup provides a broad variety of services that may be customised to match your requirements. Everyone is aware of the 'best practice' alternatives for establishing a business in the United Arab Emirates, since early missteps may lead to significant long-term troubles. A foreign investor or businessman intending to do business in the UAE must comply with all applicable legal requirements. Connect with us to discuss this further.