Dubai Outsource Zone

Dubai Outsource Zone

The Dubai Outsource City free zone was established in 2007 in order to meet the needs of outsourcing enterprises in Dubai. This location provides a secure environment for numerous firms to execute outsourcing tasks. Dubai Outsource City, also known as DOC, is a hub for HR outsourcing, IT outsourcing, back-office activities, call centre operations, and business process outsourcing. It allows enterprises to develop business in UAE-free zones with full purpose-built infrastructure. DOC's strategic location also intends to meet the offshore needs of Europe, the United States, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.

Dubai <span class='s-yellowtitle'>Outsource Zone</span>

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business setup export

Benefits of Setting up a Business in<span class='s-yellowtitle'> Dubai Outsource Zone</span>

Benefits of Setting up a Business in Dubai Outsource Zone


  • For 50 years, corporations and individuals have been exempt from corporate and personal income taxes.
  • Foreign ownership is 100%.
  • Ethernet in a Metro Area Network
  • Interaction and networking opportunities for business
  • Channel and commercialization opportunities
  • 100% capital and profit repatriation
  • There are no currency limits.
  • Services in the areas of health, security, and safety
  • Facilities for digital access to next-generation techniques
  • Latest digital phone and high-speed data services

Types of Entities Allowed
In Dubai Outsource Zone

Limited Liability Company in a Free Zone (FZ-LLC)

This type of company is established as a separate legal entity with its own stockholders. To start this business, you'll need a certain amount of money.

<span class='s-yellowtitle'>Limited Liability Company</span> in a Free Zone (FZ-LLC)
<span class='s-yellowtitle'>A foreign company's</span> branch

A foreign company's branch

It is a legal entity that is dependent on its overseas parent company and has the option of operating from a location other than the parent company's headquarters. Under this corporate form, there is no requirement for a minimum amount of capital.

A foreign/UAE company's branch

A legal entity dependent on its parent company but has the option of operating from a location other than the parent firm's headquarters. There is no requirement for a certain amount of capital.

<span class='s-yellowtitle'>A foreign/UAE</span> company's branch

Why choose
Global Biz Setup?

Become a member of the region's one-of-a-kind and premier outsourcing and shared services business community. Global Biz Setup is committed to helping you overcome any obstacles that arise when establishing your firm and will be more than delighted to support you and be a part of your success journey. We also provide operational support for new businesses, such as business licences, registration, and work visas, among other things. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about forming a corporation in the DOC free zone; we'd be pleased to assist you.