Dubai Knowledge Village

Dubai Knowledge Village

Established in the year 2003 by the TECOM Group, Dubai Knowledge Village (DKV) is the only free zone in Dubai engrossed in human resource management, professional learning, and educational intelligence. This free zone aspires to expand the talent pool in the country- making UAE a knowledge-based economy. This skill centric strategy has led to an increasing number of businessmen looking for an opportunity to incorporate a company in one of the free zones in Dubai. Furthermore, DKV aims to develop itself into a trusted business partner and a centre of excellence for the development of business in Dubai.

Dubai <span class='s-yellowtitle'>Knowledge Village</span>

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business setup export

Benefits of setting up a business in <span class='s-yellowtitle'>DKV Free Zone</span>

Benefits of setting up a business in DKV Free Zone


  • 100% foreign ownership
  • 100% exemption on personal, income, or corporate taxes
  • 100% repatriation of profits and capital
  • Zero customs duty for goods and services
  • 24*7 visa services
  • The easy and quick setup process
  • Strategic location boosting opportunities
  • Well known local, regional and global businessmen
  • Simple legal framework procedure
  • Access to knowledge workers due to the fast immigration process

Types of business entities allowed
in Dubai Knowledge Village Free Zone

Free Zone Limited Liability Company ( FZ-LLC)

An FZ-LLC is incorporated as a separate legal entity with shareholders as either individuals and/or corporate entities.

<span class='s-yellowtitle'>Free Zone Limited</span> Liability Company ( FZ-LLC)
<span class='s-yellowtitle'>Branch of a Foreign</span> Company

Branch of a Foreign Company

A branch of a foreign company refers to an overseas office that is legally dependent on its parent company.


International citizens can work as freelancers can work as a business of one’s own accord, providing products or services under one’s name.

<span class='s-yellowtitle'>Freelancer</span>

Why choose
Global Biz Setup?

We, at Global Biz Setup, are a premier business set-up company offering services for establishing a business in DKV Dubai free zone. Our team comprises seasoned professionals who ensure offering complete assistance to businesses and freelancers in setting up businesses in Dubai. Connect with us to commence the process today.